Our Connections (November 2023)

If you were at the launch, you may remember David Robinson talking about a like-minded organisation, ‘The Relationships Project’, which is run by kindred spirits, and has been going for several years. We are talking to them about how we could best help each other. There are many interesting ideas and tools on their website here.

A group of Italians came to the launch, and we are expecting to keep in contact with them. They were interested in our manifesto and movement enough to include it in a conference they held there on 28 September. This links well with the Italian movement, in Gorizia and Trieste, to democratise all Italian mental health systems. Here is a British version of it.

With Indian, Portuguese and Uruguayan colleagues from the International Network of Living-Learning Experiences, several of us went to Vancouver in September to launch a well-funded ‘Relational Practice Learning Programme’ with two intensive experiential events for 53 participants. It is going to be for all the addiction services in British Columbia and we are going back next year to further develop it.


Relational Practice in Stratford-upon-Avon